I'm not sure if anybody reads these posts, but if so, you may have noticed that there are new items that have been listed in the shop! I have recently added a new category and many listings to my shop on the website, and I am very excited them all.
The new section/category is for Key Tags.
As soon as I saw these, I knew right away that I just had to have them. These aren't something that I have made, myself, but they are definitely something I had to grab up to offer in my booths. It wasn't until a couple days ago that I was able to get them listed on the website, as well. I am very happy to have them here!

(not my picture, so I don't have all these designs in the store, but I have many more)
At this time, there are 47 different designs in my shop. I didn't quite realize I had gotten that many, but there are still many more to come, I'm sure. I love love love them! I first ordered 1 tag for me, just to see what the quality was light, and how big they were, etc. I do this often with new lines of products I am interested in, so I can get an idea of what they will be like. Obviously I did like them, as I promptly went and ordered a Bunch!
I have had them at a couple events so far, and they have been popular. I may have gone a little too far when ordering these for my booth, but because I have so many, I realized I could set aside some for the website only, and still keep most of them for the booth. So, that's what I did. I took out a couple from each design, and set them aside just for the website (so I don't accidentally sell them all at events).
Please, take a look! I will be adding some gradually, so check back periodically.
Now, because of the website vs booth issues I have been having with my glass dome items, I have decided that I am going to remove them all from the website. Most of those items I only have 1 of, and it has been so difficult to keep track of exactly which ones I sell at events (so I can remove them from the website), I think I am just going to have those as a booth only item.
At the same time, I realize I have other duplicate items that I can start listing in my shop, as well. I will be listing things gradually, as I have some time available, so again, check back periodically!