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Cons are starting up again!


I can't tell you just how much I was starting to miss attending all the cons. I have been sooo looking forward to the start of everything opening up again. I have had the opportunity to attend a couple cons the past few weekends, and it has been so much fun!

2 weeks ago, I had a booth at New World Comic Con, held in OKC. It was a one day con, but it was perfect to start getting back into the swing of things.

I forgot to grab some things, so I had to fill in a few spaces with random things I had with me. Overall it was great, though, and I broke my 1-day sales record!

Here are some pictures of my booth:

Then, this past weekend, I got to go to Enid Comic Con. I had a smaller space, but I still managed to have a great setup and great sales. This one was a 2-day con, and it wore me out. I realized that I need to get back into Con-Shape, since it has been so long.

I did forget something for this con, my payment banner! I was so upset when I realized I had left it! I'm going to start keeping that thing in my big tub that goes everywhere, so I don't forget it again.

I broke my single Con record for sales this time, too! I can't wait to keep going and see if I can continue to break my personal records.

Here is a picture of my booth in Enid:

My next Con is in 3 weeks, Uncanny Comic Expo, in Shawnee. It is a one day con, and I am looking forward to it!

For info on my upcoming cons, check my Events tab at the top! I look forward to seeing you all!

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